Paul Britton

Should a Homosexual be Advised to Marry?

This I have run into somewhereand many and many a time-in my travels and wanderings in the hinterlands of the homosexual life . and this I find a most intriguing question. Frankly it has haunted me for a long, long time-not the question, really. But the answer that immediately and invariably flashes into my mind. Why in the name of Heaven -if the homosexual is a bonafide homosexual-would he ever consider such advice or such a step necessary in the first place?

Now be it remembered here in this we are not splitting bi-sexual hairs-and experts or no, we are assuming there is such an animal as the true blue one hundred percent pure homo -and. believe me! I do believe there is such!

Meanwhile, back at the bar I know a homosexual might find himself in the possibility-via marriage -of assuring himself of a life of ease, financial security, luxury, even great wealth! Ah, yes! it does happensometimes! And I can see this as logically raising the question a bitand creating for the poor thing so unfortunately situated, a bit of a snit.

But this, also, I know-let a "happy score" or a "beautiful love affair" develop along about this time-and just watch and see all that there temptation go a-flying out the window! if the homosexual is a homosexual...


Now, on the other hand have any of you ever had the experience of meeting a homosexual who managed to go through with the marriage scene? say, some ten years much too late? If you have, I'm sure I don't have to tell you here you have the true sick homosexual-and for real! Especially if this happens to be the falling in love bit for him. The anguish and the soul tearing that now ensues is something to behold!

Where now, pray tell, the wellwishers and the advisers who knew all the answers to help him through? How now to rectify a life that he can no longer tolerate and a life that he cannot have one that he has little or no chance now of making a successful adjustment to .. you just can't relive a life, you know!

In cases like this, I have seen them end and by far not as seldom as you might think!-in murder and suicide for the two men involved; not to mention the wrecking of a family.

After thirty years or so in homoland-putting up with all it ain'tand it AIN'T a whole hell of a lot more than it is, you can take my word on that, all of the lovely prejudice, ducking the law, and all of the heartsick, aching loneliness scene of it-that's our mad, wondrous Gay Life, dears! But I still say: Homo is that Homo Is! And there's only One